The governnment of Jamaica

About Us

About Us

The Social Development Commission (SDC) is the principal community organization agency working with Jamaica’s 775 communities. Positioned in the Ministry of Local Government & Community Development, the SDC continues to execute its legal mandate to inter alia, “promote and control schemes for, and to do any act or thing which may directly or indirectly serve the advancement of – sport, social, cultural & economic development – for the people of Jamaica and workers in particular”(S7/1965).

Our Mission

To facilitate the empowerment of citizens in communities, enabling their participation in an integrated, equitable, sustainable National Development Process.

Active Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Active Community Development Committees
Active Development Area Committees (DACs)
Active Parish Development Committees (PDCs)

Our Vision

To be the leading community development agency working within a Jamaican Society where all citizens actively participate in a process and benefits from the resulting good governance, economic prosperity, sustainable environment and social well-being.


Our Mandate

The overarching strategic direction of the SDC is to advance the economic development of communities through an Integrated Community Development Strategy (ICDS). The ICDS is based on strong community governance mechanism, reliable data for evidence-based planning and community responses through projects aimed at addressing priority issues. The main national priority for this period is that of Economic Growth & Job Creation.

Priority Policies, Programmes and Projects

Local Economic Development Support Program

Strengthening of the PGF


Parish Inter – agency networks

Community Research and Development Planning

Sports for Community Development

Community Incentive and Grants Programme


To bolster viable economic enterprise and shape a culture of productivity that will result in growth in the local economy primarily at the community level.

To increase participation in local governance by establishing and building the capacity of community organizations to participate in decision making at all levels

To register Community Groups & Civil Society Organisations

• To ensure that the operations of all registered community groups and CSOs, are in adherence to the Local Governance Act (2016).

• To establish a register of groups legally registered with the SDC

To improve the quality-of-service delivery to residents through effective and efficient collaboration among service providers

To produce and update community data and information that is needed for local and national planning]

To promote social inclusion, reduce barriers, increase participation and promote personal, social and community development

To bolster community participation in developmental activities through rewards and incentives

Expected Outcomes(s)

• Expansion of Community Economic projects

• Increased employment / Job Creation

• Increased Dialogue with Elected Representatives

• Increased Advocacy by Community Groups

• Increased Citizen Participation in Governance

• Increased Access and Benefit to the Social Safety Net Programs by Vulnerable Citizens

• Improved Educational Outcomes

• Enhanced Community Safety and Security

• Increased Environmental and Climate Change Resilience

• Improved Educational Outcomes

• Enhanced Community Safety and Security

• Increased Environmental and Climate Change Resilience


Strategic Direction

The overarching strategic direction of the SDC is to advance the economic development of communities through an Integrated Community Development Strategy (ICDS). The ICDS is based on strong community governance mechanism, reliable data for evidence-based planning and community responses through projects aimed at addressing priority issues. The main national priority for this period is that of Economic Growth & Job Creation.