The governnment of Jamaica

Sports for Community Development Programme

Sports for Community Development Programme

What is Sports for Community Developement Programme?

Sport for Community Development Programme (SCDP) is an intervention strategy used the Social Development Commission (SDC) to attract and engage community residents in exciting, participatory and unifying activities.


What are the National Sports Activities?

While it is desirable to engage communities through varying forms of Sports, as a result of resource constraints the SDC for Financial year 2018 – 2019 will focus its effort in the SCDP on two island wide sporting activities, namely:

  • The National 20/20 Community Cricket Competition (NCCC)
  • The National Community Netball Competition (NCNC)


The Aim of the Sports for Community Development Programme (SCDP)

  • Development of crucial life skills in everyday life


Purpose and Objectives of SCDP

  • To engender the broad participation in community sports programmes/projects as a part of the wider policy for social development.
  • To empower community groups, through the various governance structures, to participate in, and ensure that they benefit from and support sustainable sports development programmes in their communities.

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