The governnment of Jamaica




Community Governance

Services Offered

• Organizing Community Groups
• Community Mobilization
• Constitution Writing
• Capacity Building
• Capacity Building and Assessment of Community Groups

Community Incentives and Grants

Services Offered

• Community Recognition through Awards
• Local Economic Development Grants
• Parish Development Committee Administrative Grant
• Community Development Committee Administrative Grant

Parish-Inter-Agency networking Programme

Services Offered

• Social Service Fairs and Networks

Community Research and Database Programme

Services Offered

• Community Profile Development
• Community Asset Mapping and creation of asset maps
• Surveys and Data Analysis
• Priority Plan development
• Project Proposal Writing

Local Economic Development Support Programme

Services Offered

• Entrepreneurship Training
• Product Development
• Business Model Development
• Business Plan Development
• Product Marketing and Networking

Sports for Community Development Programme and Special Projects

Services Offered

• Community Sports Competition
• Events Planning


Services Offered

• Need Analysis
• Training Design and Delivery
• Coaching and Mentoring
• Training Modules/Manual Development
• Monitoring and Evaluation of Trainings


Services Offered

More on our services

Community Governance

The Government of Jamaica’s policy framework for economic growth, social development, public sector reform, and poverty reduction among others inform SDC’s work SDC’s work is informed by the social and

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Community Sports

Overview Sports is a unifying force and a catalyst for igniting the energies of individuals and groups within communities. Community sports is a mechanism that is used to capture the

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Community Research

Research is the foundation upon which the framework of sustainable development and equitable community development is built. There are three main objectives for the Research being undertaken by SDC: To

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Community Development

The Social Development Commission uses participatory processes to guide communities to effectively plan and develop strategies to achieve their desired future. The participatory framework for the community planning process guides

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Meet our partners

Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development