The governnment of Jamaica

Community Research and Development Planning Programme

Community Research and Development Planning Programme

The Community Research and Development Planning Programme (CRDPP) focuses on achieving evidence-based and “people-centred” sustainable development through the provision of community-level data.

In collecting community-level information, the SDC combines traditional quantitative research methods with qualitative or participatory research methods. Notably, information can also be collected at the district level, within areas of poverty, or within other geographical areas including Development Areas and parishes.

Programme Goal

The goal of the programme is to facilitate/encourage targeted and sustainable development through the establishment and maintenance of a community database to guide policy and programme development and evaluation

Programme Objectives

  • To contribute to the knowledge of the socio-economic situations of communities; manifestations of poverty and development challenges being faced by the communities
  • To provide disaggregated data to inform policy and programme design at the local and national levels
  • To increase partnership in community development planning
  • To facilitate informed development planning at the local level
  • To influence targeted service delivery to communities based on their real needs
  • To increase community planning actions for local and national development through priority plans, projects and programmes.

Programme Outputs

The following are the key outputs generated under the programme:

  1. Defined Borders and Boundaries and Community/District Name Listings
  2. Profiles – The main output of the programme is the development of community profiles. A community profile is a document that provides useful information on the community in terms of population, economic structure and activity, social services, community organization and participation, and the felt needs of the community. Profiles are also generated at the District, Development Area and Parish levels, and are produced as a Summary or Full Profiles.
  3. Listings – Under the Community Research and Development Planning Programme, the SDC generates and updates nine listings for each community. These include:
    1. Community-Based Organizations (CBO) Listing
    2. Community Development Committee (CDC) Listing
    3. Development Area Committee (DAC) Listing
    4. Faith-Based Organizations Listings
    5. Educational Institutions Listings
    6. Projects Listings
    7. Stakeholders Listing
    8. Community Centre Listing
    9. Playfields Listing
  4. Community Asset /Thematic Maps
  5. Staff training
  6. Completed Community Priority Plans
  7. Project Proposals Developed

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