The governnment of Jamaica

Strengthening of the Participatory Governance Framework Programme

Strengthening of the Participatory Governance Framework Programme

The Strengthening of the Participatory Governance Framework Programme (SPGFP) seeks to increase people participation in local governance by establishing and building the capacity of community organizations to participate in decision making at all levels. It involves two main components:

1. The establishment and reactivation of community groups at four main levels:

  • Level 1: Structures which are called Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) and represent a
    special interest or segment of the community. CBOs include Youth Clubs and other youth/sports
    groups, citizens associations, parent-teachers’ associations, cultural groups and other special
    interest organizations.
  • Level 2: Structures which are clusters of community organisations representing the interests of a
    wider cross-section of citizens and CBOs within a community are referred to as Community
    Development Committees (CDCs).
  • Level 3: Organisations which are called Development Area Committees (DACs) representing the
    interests of CDCs and other stakeholders across clusters of communities called development
  • Level 4: Organisations which are Parish Development Committees (PDCs) that bring together
    key stakeholders (e.g. service providers, elected representatives, DACs, etc.,) at the parish level
    to address parish developmental issues.

2. The assessment and strengthening of group capacity for self-management.


The main goal of the SPGFP is to increase participation in local governance by establishing and
strengthening CSOs (including CBOs, CDCs, DACs, and PDCs) to engage in dialogue, decisions, and
actions that promote development. The main objectives include:

  • To provide a framework for the active participation of citizens in governance
  • To increase the capacity of community organizations to participate in decision making at all levels.



As a result of executing the SPGF programme it is expected that there will be increased people
participation in governance reflected by the following:

  • Growth in number of established groups
  • Strengthened groups – enhanced capacity and increased membership
  • Increased dialogue with elected representatives, local authorities and MDAs
  • Increased advocacy
  • Increased attendance at CDC/DAC/PDC &AGMs
  • Increase in number of community led activities
  • Enhanced knowledge base in governance]


  • Sample Organisational Vision and Mission Statement
  • Asset Listing
  • Policy Framework (to include Reformed System of Government Manual)
  • Sample Nomination Forms/Ballots
  • Election Guidelines Documents
  • Civil Society Organizations Reporting Templates


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