The governnment of Jamaica

Indian High Commission donates books to schools


Eleven primary schools in St Mary have received 270 books from the office of the Indian High Commission to Jamaica to assist with their development and also to learn about India’s culture.

The books were handed out to the schools during the St Mary creative arts and skills training festival and community market held in a parking lot in Annotto on Friday, where farmers were also allowed to sell their produce.

The presentation of the books, which are about political science, was done by Nagaendrababu Chandolu, one of the sponsors, and Om Prakash of the Indian High Commission’s office. Nagaendrababu pointed out that the books are to help the children to improve their knowledge and talent.

The annual event, which is an initiative of the Social Development Commission (SDC) and the Rural Agriculture Development Authority (RADA), provided residents with an opportunity to not only purchase fresh farm produce Click here to view full story

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