The governnment of Jamaica

Community Sports

  1. Overview

Sports is a unifying force and a catalyst for igniting the energies of individuals and groups within communities. Community sports is a mechanism that is used to capture the attention of various groups at the community level which result in bringing them together for collaborative community development efforts.

  1. Goal

To engender the broad participation in community sports programmes/projects as a part of the wider policy for social development.

  1. Mission

To empower community groups, through the various governance structures, to participate in, and ensure that they benefit from and support sustainable sports development programmes in their communities.

  1. Outcomes:
  2. Opportunities provided for exposure to rules and requirements of related sports, as well as healthy lifestyle practices through training.
  • Strengthened administrative capacities of individuals and community groups, to plan, access financial resources and implement sporting activities that support the community development process.
  • Stimulate the formation of new community based organization (CBO’s) and strengthening of existing community groups to participate in community development processes.
  1. Annual events:

The following are annual events on the Social Development Commission’s calendar,

  1. Parish and National Athletics Championships (March – June),
  2. National Community Cricket Competition (May – September)
  3. Capacity Building Workshops for community representatives (October – November).

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